Useful Social Ecommerce Tips for Businesses
If your business deals with social ecommerce, then there are high chances that your customers participate actively in social media networks and social shopping sites. Regardless of their economic...
View ArticleThe Habits of Highly Effective Online Shoppers
The online retailing process would seem pretty straightforward-have the right products at the right price, a smooth checkout process, good overall site performance, done. Those are all a given, but...
View ArticleWhat Are the Key Factors to Take Into Account When Setting Up a Complete...
E-commerce websites open up many doors and can this can have huge advantages and benefits for both consumers and the business which sets it up. There are however, certain key factors which have to be...
View ArticlePlanning Phase For an E-Commerce Website
The Planning Phase is the most important phase in building an online sales funnel, and it is often the most overlooked. I’ll give you an overview of the strategies and tactics that will set the...
View ArticleDeveloping Your E-Commerce Website With Content Management Systems
Basically, the Open Source Software – Content Management System is a sophisticated idea that allows for the simplest possible means of managing information. It’s a way for non-technical people to...
View ArticleBuilding Your E-Commerce Website With HTML
One of the simplest ways to build a website and maintain total flexibility with the development is to download a free website template that corresponds to your site’s needs, and then edit the template...
View ArticleWhat Is Social Commerce Anyway?
So what exactly is “social commerce”? In short, social commerce is selling with social media, online media that supports user contributions and social interaction. It’s selling with the current “Big...
View ArticleThe Four Areas of Social Commerce
What we’ve learned from two years of social commerce research is that if an insight is useful in one area of social commerce, it’s also usually useful and applicable in another. That’s what the...
View ArticleGoogle’s Ranking System and Algorithms – The Top 10
The truth is that there is a great deal of mystery surrounding the exact algorithm Google uses in order to determine page rankings. In fact, their algorithms change over 500 times per year, and each...
View ArticleGathering of Information: The Silent Spies in the Internet and in...
The gathering of individual surfing and purchase information online is a common practice for many if not all of the major social media networks, businesses and search engines. How far, though, should...
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